This Looks Like A Job For Homo Sapien. Part 3

June 15, 1995.

In this part 4, we will learn what happened to the all female race of people............................................................................................................................................


At one point you said this feminine race come from Earth, and then you said an ancient civilization on Earth and then you said they came from Maldek.


They didn't exactly come through Maldek. They left it in pretty good shape.


You mean they had a culture on both Earth and Maldek?

Yes, and on Sirius. Because Earth as we know it is from Sirius, the Earth you know now. But they came through Maldek; they existed there for quite a while. You see, not that much is known about Maldek. If you were to visit there you would say, "This is the Garden of Eden," okay? It is essentially what Earth was when she was pristine, but without the volcanoes, without earthquakes, without the violence that is associated with Maother Earth's will, if you would allow that, because Mother Earth is a material master. Maldek as a planet was more of a spiritual master. I will take that a step further to say that spiritual mastery is a form and function of the feminine energy, whereas material mastery is a form and funciton of the feminine and the masuline energy. So Maldek was a Garden of Eden of total beauty, but a Garden of Eden without trees of knowledge and snakes and all this other business.

Q: None of the good stuff?

Well, none of the contradicitons. It had no contradictions and it didn't have rigid rules, you know - do this but don't do that. That didn't exist here. It was Do whatever you want.

Q: So they came from Sirius, establilshed themnselves on Maldek, then came to earth. Where did they go when they left Where are they now?

Thank you. I have spoken some time ago of a race of beings living inside the Earth called the Founders.

Q: Is that who they are?

They merged with the Founders, and that's where they stay. They have at times gone out and mingled. The Founders are such profound beings that they can give forth a being of antoher form, as these feminine beings were, and still remain as a form of light themselves. So they would at times go out from the culture of the Founders and mingle with the other people who lived under the surface. But they're not doing that right now because most of the Inner Earth beings have left or are still in the process of leaving due to the tumultuous change on and in Earth. But that's where they went, the didn't actually leave.

Q: Where are these Inner Earth beings from?

The Inner Earth beings are being evacuated, not unlike the so-called lift-off. They are being lifted off because their energy balance is such that they cannot deal with the changes that Mother Earth is going through to restore her physical body. Mother Earth's energy is creating an unltrasonic wave and, compounded with all the stuff the secret government is doing, they cannot handle that wave of ultrasonics. So some of them have permanently migrated, some have temporaarily migrated, and they continue to be lifted off in humongous (as you like to say) ships that can take 100-, 150-, 200,000 people at a time.

Q: What kind of numbers are you talking about that are being evacuated from the Inner Earth - millions?

Yes. So its' going to leave just a few who will be encapsulated in special instument pods that will protect them and have the capacity to get them out of here should it be necessary to escape. They can travel interdimensionally. But there will be a few who will stay to monitor in case earth comes into a state of balance and the people can return.

Q: Is that soon?

It is, from their positon, hoped for. I would say that it probably will not be returning, however, for a while. Because as you ease into the fourth dimension and as this third-dimensional Earth restores itself to its original condition, they may have to return to fourth-dimensional earth with you, as it were. Third-dimensional Earth will probably remain a place of vibrations that they would find uncomfortable for a time. But there is a 10% chance they will return to third-dimensional Earth.

Q: But they're not third-dimensional.

No, but they have jobs, you know. Before, their jobs have been before to relate to the people, besides having a civilization of their own, things that they do. It was their job primarily to relate to third-dimensional children in the form of dreams and visions children could see. Some of these people are what is known as the Blue People. Children could see these people and relate to them as (an adult would say) and invisible companion. These Inner earth beings would come to play with babies and children up to about seven years of age and sometimes older. So they do have interactions with you. But with their leaving now, beings who come to play with the children are essentially extraterrestrials, not associated diretly with earth as you know it.

It is interesting to note that this planet Earth and the culture here are so complex compared to extraterrestrial civilizations. You know, most extraterrestrial civilzations are very simple, not complicated at all. That's why when they speak their truth, they speak it as if it is universal truth; they will even state that it is universal truth even though it isn't. That is because their society has been stuck in a grove, albeit a benevolent groove, for so long that they do not perceive something as universal if it is in any way uncomfortable for them. You mus remember that while extraterrestrial civilizations and ETs will talk to you from time to time and say, This is universal tuth, that is universal truth, if it feels like it's in conflict with something you know to be true for you as an Earth person, then do not accept what they say out of hand. Just take it as part of their cultural philosophy, but not necessarily as a universal turth.
The only thing that is universally true is chaos and creation - as for as I know. But then, you know, I may not know everything. It's always possible.

JW One things you can always say about about Zoosh, he always has something to say.

Part 3.

Source Of Information: SEDONA Journal of EMERGENCE - P.O. Box 1526, Sedona. AZ 86339; (602) 282-6523.

Remember: The fellow who does things that count doesn't usually stop and count them.

John Winston.

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